Whenever I whip up Bò Lá Lốt, the delightful aroma permeates my kitchen, and I’m truly grateful for Beyond Meat for allowing me to give this cherished childhood dish a vegan spin.

In Vietnamese, “Bò” translates to beef, while “Lá Lốt” refers to piper sarmentosum or betel leaves, as some English sources indicate. Here in the Netherlands, I’ve tracked down these leaves at Amazing Oriental, albeit under their Thai name, “chaplu.” Do be cautious not to confuse them with other betel leaves on the store shelves; Lá Lốt always comes with stalks, whereas the other betel variety boasts hand-sized leaves.

Pairing wonderfully with Bánh Hỏi – a dish of vermicelli rolls – Bò Lá Lốt also doubles as fantastic finger food for your next gathering. Trust me, it’s a crowd-pleaser!

Now, as you cook, the leaves will transform into a deep green hue – a sign of proper doneness, not scorching. If by any chance you cross the line into burnt territory, your nose will be the first to notice.

But let’s not keep you waiting any longer – time to dive right in and get cooking!

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